Your host family will become one of your most cherished memories of travelling abroad. It is very common for students and host families to continue their relationship by becoming pen pals and e-mail buddies long after your stay is completed. Your host family will become your second family! Each family is carefully screened and selected to suit each students requirements. Our families will provide a friendly and supportive Canadian cultural experience. We have several different types of families to choose from. Some families consist of just one or two people, and others have up to four or five family members. Canadian families live in an assortment of residences, such as condos, apartments, duplexes or houses. Most Canadian families have pets such as a dog or cat or maybe both. We do offer pet free environments for students with allergies. Host families live in several different districts throughout the City of Calgary with easy access to public transportation just minutes away from each home. Students are asked to evaluate their host family at the end of their stay to ensure that the type of care we expect is maintained. Our high expectations provide you with a valuable and satisfying experience. Want to become a HOST FAMILY? S & J Homestay (Calgary) is always on the look out for exceptional host families. Print and mail to us the completed Host Family Application form below.