Host Family Application Form
(Print this page or Send a letter including the following information)
Family name:
Community Name:
Bus Route Information: (include bus # or C-Train and length of travel time to downtown)
Phone #:
Names and ages of family members:
Occupations of host parents:
Work phone numbers:
Number and kind of pets:
Does any family member smoke in the home?
Male or Female student preferred?
Have you hosted before?
Will you pick up your student from the airport?
Does anyone in your family have a criminal record?
Would you allow S & J to conduct a criminal background
check on the persons listed on this application form?
Why do you want to become a host family?
Please list all house rules you expect the student to follow:
Please note a criminal background check will be required.
**Thank you for filling out the above application. I look forward to meeting with your family.**